Hi Techar 👋

I know why you are here you just want to know about me a and you can find only a little bit about me here

About Me

Firstly, I want to introduce myself so that you can understand me better than what is presented on this page. Currently, I am a 2nd year undergraduate student from Hyderabad who constantly challenges himself with tasks he believes he can't do. I always find answers independently and learn from others' journeys, whether they yield good or bad outcomes. I learn new things that help me in the future to either undertake or avoid certain tasks. I invest my time in completing the tasks I've started, whether it's preparing for school exams, building a feature, or learning and exploring new areas that expand the scope of my work. I spend even more time delving deeper into understanding things, confronting problems, analyzing their causes, and coming up with long-term solutions.



You can see my projects details from my new site or from my linktr

If you are here to just see how I build this site then you can see here and this is my new site and you could know some more about me here as it has a pretty cool UI than this site